Conseuro 2025

Born in Piacenza, Italy, on 19 Nov, class of 1964. Graduated in "Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the University of MI 1988 with 110 cum laude. He improved his knowledge in Conservative, Prosthetics and Periodontology with the annual courses of Dr. S. Patroni and Dr. PP Cortellini. Thus the specialization course in Implant surgery techniques, (Prof. Weistein) at the University of MI, and the advanced surgery course applied to the implantology of Dr. C. Tinti and M. Simion. Perfects the techniques of mucogingival surgery with the theoretical-practical course of Prof G. Zucchelli.

 Active member of the Accademia Italiana di Conservativa e Restaurativa (AIC ) since 1996 Member of the Membership Acceptance Commission 2001 / 06-2006 / 11- 2019/24 and of the Cultural Commission 2012-2015..

 Active member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED) since 2012 and member of the board of director.

Active member of the International Academy for Digital Dental Medicine (IADDM) since 2015. Visiting Professor at the University of Pavia (Italy), visiting professor at the Master of Restorative Dentistry, University of Torino, Bologna, Milano (Humanitas Huniversity ).

Speaker on topics of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology at several courses and congresses at national and international level. Author of conservative and prosthetic dentistry publications in national and international journals. Author of the chapters related to amalgam and composite restorations of the Text "Restorative Dentistry" Elselvier Ed. 2009. Author of some chapter of the book Esthetic Restorative Dentistry by AIC pubb. by Quintessence 2021. Author of the innovative book entitled "Solutions - Adhesive Restoration Techniques and Integrated Surgical Procedures” Edra Ed. 2021 translated into seven languages .

He was awarded the “Premio Case Report Dentista Moderno” 2002 first prize by the journal. Finalist (3rd place) at the international AIOP-APS Excellence in Prosthodontics Award, 2015. Reviewer for the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry.

 He holds several training and specialization courses with hands-on about restorative dentistry with a multidisciplinary approach, at his own educational center (MFV Communication) in Vigolzone and and throughout the country and internationally.

Private Practice in Vigolzone (PC, Italy ) from 01.04.1989 with a multidisciplinary approach to dentistry.

Contact details:

Dr. Marco Veneziani, Via Roma, 57

I-29020 VIGOLZONE (PC) ITALY Tel/Fax +39 (0)523 870362 Mobile: +39 3351435187

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